(from my archives, March 24, 2018; updated March 24, 2025)
Welcome, God and All...
One thing that’s consistent in a (rapidly) changing world is how fast human thought and expression can turn completely around among the masses. We need look no further than President Trump or FB’s founder Mark Zuckerberg to see examples. Now it’s easy to think that because of nearly instant access to the latest sound bytes in the Information Age, reaction time is equally near instant. The accounts of Jesus’ Passion and Death in the Gospels, with all the detail they contain – even though they were written roughly fifty years after the events – convey a similar sense of instant reaction among the masses. Of course, there were groups of people with privileged access, people “in the know”, who discussed, analyzed, made judgments, and planned action. The moment it became known to the general public, any reaction was generally swift. How else can we explain large crowds cheering Jesus as he entered Jerusalem for the last time, only to call for his crucifixion four days later?
A glance at the major characters, all seeking their disproportionate level of fame at the center of perhaps the most chaotic times in all of human history, reveals weaknesses we still have to this day.
Judas Iscariot – the weakest link in the chain of Jesus’ inner circle. Certainly, he had become confounded, but more so than the others. On one hand he complains that it’s a waste of money to have expensive ointment poured on Jesus’ body; but he’s really beginning to think Jesus has lost focus, so he is an easy target for confrontation and manipulation by…
Caiaphas and Annas – As high priests they held sway over everyone who claimed to be devout Jews. What Jesus did and taught and preached did not fit in their presumed profile of God’s promised Messiah. Because of that, they saw him as a threat to themselves, using the Roman occupation of the time as a plausible argument and excuse. When they finally confront Jesus, of course it’s his elimination they want. But they’re supposedly bound by their own law, especially as it’s the high feast of Passover; so, they force themselves into a flimsy alliance with the Romans and…
Pontius Pilate – who would rather be anywhere other than Judea, because the empire’s attempts at keeping the peace has generally gone down the path of futility. He sees through Caiaphas’ passing the buck and tries to expose it. When that fails, he offers a choice, hoping that the cheering crowds of only days ago might exonerate the charges against Jesus; but even this gets confounded to where I’ve observed the possibility of the question raised by Pilate to the crowds sounded like: Which son of the father shall I release to you? In the end, fearing that news of further Judean unrest would travel fast to Rome (as ultimately it did), Pilate sentences Jesus to death by crucifixion.
The eleven remaining Apostles, as well as any other disciples within sight who might have come to Jesus’ defense – largely fled. John would somehow manage to witness his master’s death. Peter – who was the Type A in the group for better or worse – denied knowing Jesus. Judas, realizing he was made a puppet by Caiaphas, took his own life. Saint Mark’s account has a young man resisting arrest or restraint, and escapes, naked, into the night. Tradition holds that this streaker is Mark himself.
Jesus – after three years of speaking, he becomes silent. Now we might make reason for this because a) in his humanity, after all the torture suffered before his execution, there was virtually no opportunity to think, and certainly no real time to answer in his own defense; and b) in his divinity, Jesus knew what was coming, had known it for all eternity, and was obedient to the will of his Father to the last.
As noted above, I made this reflection in 2018; two full years before I had even heard of the now successful streaming video series The Chosen (and a full year prior to the series' debut). Now about to release its fifth season on the events of Holy Week from Palm Sunday through the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, I have been watching and re-watching the series from its beginning. While the writers have used non-biblical subplots to tie the Gospel accounts together (and rearranged a few lines here and there without severely affecting their impact), it is still the story more people are talking about instead of trying to ignore. Because of the 'extra' material, you won't find the Church's seal of approval, the imprimatur, among its credits. Nor is it likely to win a coveted Emmy award despite some of the best performances I have seen on-screen.
Comparing my thoughts to my experience watching The Chosen, I find it interesting that my quick character study isn't far from the vision that Dallas Jenkins, his creative team, and the talented actors and actresses have brought to the screen. While I have been passive on some of the fan hype, as the long-awaited new release is imminent, I am truly anticipating what is about to come, the stuff of the most tragic event in the history of the world. And it would be, too; were it not for what followed. There are many events in history, both general and personal, that we would want to forget; and others that manage to be forgotten. There are events that have claimed thousands upon thousands of lives. This event, and its aftermath, would reclaim all life – for God.
How quickly can our fame and fortunes change!
Until we meet again, may God be with you...
+the Phoenix